About Us


Giovanna Jona Lasinio

Giovanna Jona Lasinio

Role: Project coordinator, statistics

I am a Full Professor of Statistics for Experimental Sciences at the Department of Statistics of the University of Rome "La Sapienza." I joined Sapienza University in 1995 as a researcher. Since then, I have mainly dealt with Environmental Statistics, particularly in the ecological and climatological fields. From 2020 I started working on Covid-19 with an independent research group, StatGroup-19, dealing with the modeling of pandemic area.

Daniela Silvia Pace

Daniela Silvia Pace

Role: project coordinator, ecology

I am a marine ecologist involved in research and monitoring projects on ecology, acoustics, and behavior of marine mammals, mainly in the Mediterranean Sea. In the past ten years, I was the Head of the Marine Mammals and Noise Unit during environmental monitoring for Costa Concordia wreck removal and the construction of the TAP gas pipeline. My research interests focus on the acoustic repertoires of marine species (particularly cetaceans) and how their expression is modulated by environmental, social, and anthropogenic factors (e.g., noise and other sources of disturbance). In addition, my studies addressed the assessment of movements and distributions of marine mammals’ species to better understand community interactions and define and then implement management goals. Currently, I am a researcher at the Department of Environmental Biology - Sapienza University

Luca Tardella

Luca Tardella

Role: Project member, statistics

I am a Full Professor in Statistics at the Dept. of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome. My research interests include Bayesian inference, computational methods, nonparametric and robust Bayesian analysis, methods and modeling for capture-recapture sampling, ranking data, statistical modeling for genomic and microarray analysis. I developed several R sackages PLMIX for partially ranked data, HI for transdimensional simulations, and BBRecapture for capture-recapture sampling data.

Edoardo Bompiani

Edoardo Bompiani

Role: Project member, Information Technology

I'm a passionate professional about Information Technology with a long history of structuring and smooth management of server infrastructures of medium complexity. I'm currently employed at University of Rome La Sapienza. Currently my primary project is the development and the management of the departmental HPC cluster.

Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro

Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro

Role: Project member, statistics

I am a research assistant in statistics at the Department of Law, Economics, Politics and Modern Languages. I got my PhD from DSS Sapienza University. I have always been interested in the development of Bayesian models and their estimation through Markov Chain Monte-Carlo methods, but lately my interests have shifted towards the specific study of spatial and spatio-temporal phenomena. My current lines of research involve the modelling of phenomena characterized by complex dependence structures, whether the observations are organized at point-referenced locations, at nodes on a lattice, or on arbitrary networks. Since mid 2020 I am a member of StatGroup-19, an Italian independent research group, in order to contribute to the statistical modelling of the Covid-19 pandemic and support good science communication in this area.

Gianmarco Caruso

Gianmarco Caruso

Role: Project member, statistics

I’m a PhD student in Methodological Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. I’m currently working on capture-recapture models in the ecological field, with a particular focus on modelling latent heterogeneity between individuals within a Bayesian framework.

Caterina Lanfredi

Caterina Lanfredi

Role: Project member, ecology

I’m a marine ecologist, involved in the conservation of marine mammals primarily in the Mediterranean Sea, for around 20 years. My main research interest is the management of marine environments, particularly the study of driving factors affecting cetacean species distribution, habitat selection as well as the study of behavioural interactions among individuals. During my Ph.D., in Environmental Engineering, I acquired experience in the field of Maritime Spatial Planning, improving my GIS (Geographic Information System) skills, and in the study of the potential impacts on the marine environment, due to anthropogenic activities. I've also been involved in several research projects around the world (Atlantic, Pacific, and the Southern Ocean) focused on marine mammal research. All these experiences contributed to consolidating my understanding of the importance of spatial management tools to facilitate conservation actions.

Sara Martino

Sara Martino

Role: Project collaborator, statistics

I am an associate professor in statistics at the Dept. of Mathematical Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. My research interests include Bayesian inference, computational and spatial statistics, environmental statistics and biostatistics. I have contributed to the development of the INLA (Integrated nested Laplace approximation) method and are still actively involved in the project. I am interested in developing statistical models and methods for large datasets, dependencies and uncertainty

Marco Mingione

Marco Mingione

Role: Project member, statistics

I am post-doc researcher in Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". My research mostly focuses on the development and implementation of Bayesian hierarchical models with applications to economics, ecology, environmental health and epidemiology. I believe that the results of a scientific study must be presented in a rigorous way, but also understood by a broad lay public. For this reason, I dedicated part of my research to the development of interactive web applications using Shiny.

Stefano Moro

Stefano Moro

Role: Project member, ecology

I’m finishing my Ph.D. in Marine Ecology at the Sapienza University of Rome. I am a research fellow at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn. I am interested in investigating species’ spatial distribution, abundance trends, and fisheries sciences questions to promote management and conservation. My research focuses principally on big-sized pelagic species with specific attention to sharks. I’ve learned how to handle opportunistic datasets. I collaborated in developing SDMs (Species Distribution Models) to harmonize different data sources (i.e., opportunistic data, survey data, eDNA sample, BRUVS recordings, tracking data). In the last years, Stefano’s research mainly focused on Mediterranean white sharks gathering the most comprehensive database of opportunistic sightings and estimating for the first time the spatio-temporal pattern of abundance and distribution of these predators in the Mediterranean basin.

Greta Panunzi

Greta Panunzi

Role: Project member, ecology

I am a PhD student in the school of Methodological Statistics at Sapienza University of Rome. After graduating with a thesis on a classification model for the estimation of bottlenose dolphin abundance with capture and recapture data, I am currently working on modeling abundance estimates with presence only data.

Alessio Pollice

Alessio Pollice

Role: Project member, statistics

I’m a full professor of Statistics at the University of Bari. For quite a few years, I’ve been engaged with environmental and ecological Statistics, sharing scientific interests with statisticians and field experts. I have been serving as an officer for environmental working groups of the Italian Statistical Society and the International Statistical Institute. My working experience is mainly focused on stochastic models for spatial and spatio-temporal data with case studies in environmental Epidemiology, air quality, population Ecology, animal and plant species distributions, ecological indicators, environmental risk.